Covid-19 Policy:
We have the following policies in place to maximize safety in our clinic and our community:
Clinic Requirements
When you arrive for your session, you must wait outside until your clinician invites you inside at your scheduled appointment time. It is our intention to support social distancing by avoiding overlap inside the reception area.
Masks are required for adults and children. Disposable masks are available if needed. If young children are not able to tolerate a mask or wear it securely, we will stay in a separate treatment space from other families, sanitizing materials utilized after the session.
Hand washing or sanitizing are required upon entrance.
Your temperature will be taken upon entering the clinic. If your and/or your child’s temperature exceeds 100.4° F, the session must be canceled and rescheduled.
Please do not come to your appointment if:
Any household member is experiencing symptoms of illness. Please be sure that any member of your household is symptom-free for at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment.
You were in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days, with the exception that a negative Covid test has been received.
If you or your child has tested positive for Covid and are asymptomatic, please quarantine from the office for 10 days, or until a negative test has been received.
If you or your child are symptomatic, please quarantine for 14 days or until symptom-free for 72 hours and have received a negative test. ​
You, and/or your child, may be accompanied by adult family members to sessions, however siblings or other children are not allowed into the treatment spaces unless invited by a therapist. We have two observation rooms available for families to stay in while the sessions are taking place if needed.
Staff, clients, and family members are expected to adhere to social distancing (6 feet) before, after, and during sessions (as appropriate for effective service delivery).
What we are doing to keep you safe:
All members of our staff are vaccinated, and we are wearing masks all day, except when eating in separate spaces.
We will communicate promptly if any staff member is sick or tests positive for COVID.
We have multiple air purifiers running consistently in the therapy gyms.
We clean and sanitize therapeutic items on a regular basis, paying extra attention to anything used with unmasked children, in close contact to a child’s face, or otherwise soiled.
The two large gyms (Big Gym and Adventure Room) can be shared for a maximum of two sessions simultaneously, and only for individuals with good mask tolerance and the ability to maintain social distance.
Fabric and cloth items used in therapy will be washed or sanitized between uses.
Our clinic is thoroughly cleaned by a professional cleaning crew twice each week.